IDK? My BFF Robert E. Lee?

Alright, it's time to make my first appearance on this blog thing.  Yes, this is Michael.  Shocking, I know, but there's a catch.  This post is all about history!  Yay!  I know you are all as excited as I am to begin, so let's get started!
As we reached the end of the VCU campus we came across this little gem.  If you're thinking quietly to yourself  "hey, that looks a lot like Confederate general and cavalry commander J.E.B. Stuart" you are absolutely correct!  Laura and I were relieved to learn this, because this is clearly not the 60 foot Lee statue we had heard about.  

Moving on, down Monument Avenue, we finally reached our original destination:

The Robert E. Lee statue.  The car and random student give some perspective as to how massive this work really is.  For you nerds out there, Lee served as the commanding general of the Confederate army during the American Civil War.  He is remembered here, in the former Capital of the Confederacy, atop his trusty steed, Traveller.

Well, that's all for now.  Back to hanging out with my BFF Robert E. Lee!


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