Friday's Fancies #70: Color Crush: Cranberry

Happy Friday lovelies!

This week's Friday's Fancies is always one of my favorites - Color Crush! 
With Fall here to stay it's time to put away the pastels and jump head first into the deep jewel tones-  cranberry being my favorite. I don't what was up with everyone calling it "oxblood" last year. I mean, burgundy, maroon, bordeaux- all MUCH more appealing than "oxblood" #amiright?
Here are a few of my faves:
1. This faux-leather crossbody bag from Forever 21 is fantastic! I haven't seen it in stores so I might need to order it online- but for under $20, it's worth the wait.
2. I wonder how many times I've included different colors of these Kate Spade studs in my posts. Fuh real.
3. I don't know when Gap stepped into the bag game, but they've been rocking it the past few season. Mama like this deep red tote!
4. This vampy NARS color makes me wish I watched Trueblood so I could be one of those characters for Halloween. I heard that's about vampires? Right? Maybe? No?
5. This Essie shade is excellent. I'm thinking a deep deep red will be my fall neutral.
6. This simple bracelet from Baublebar is perfect for the person not quite ready to give up summer- the light blue crystal middle tones down the dark red surround!
7. I mean, well done with this beauty, Baublebar! LOVE this necklace, seriously gorgeous!

What color are you loving for Fall?
Pleeeease don't say oxblood.

xo, lp


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