I don't know what was going on this weekend, but somehow the stars aligned and it was kind of perfect.
Badger win. Packer win. 55 degree weather.
A few things from last week:

1. I've been embarrassing myself left and right at work. Monday I almost knocked our CEO down the stairs when I was running down them late for a meeting. Tuesday a board member was being shown around the design area near my desk (unbeknownst to me) and I turned the corner yelling about cheese* (long story) riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight outside the OPEN door he was in with a bunch of higher ups in the company. #fail.

2. Target-NM collaboration? Meh. Underwhelming. Anyone else out there in merchandising? Did you look at that stuff and say "well, clearly those designers had some liability material they had to get rid of and dumped it on Target."? 

3. This is the only outfit shot I snapped last week. Nothing like some polka dots and green shoes to make your day better (especially when you've been embarrassing yourself daily at work).

4. Did you made the recipe last week yet? I need to stop making them weekly. It's dangerous.

5. I shared about my Pantone love last week, and I'll show you what I did with my Pantone cards later this week.... (find me on Instagram here)

Today I am over on Landi's Blog sharing some fun things. Make sure you check it out here and say hi to her while you're over there!

Have any embarrassing moments last week?
Please share. Please.

xo, lp

*for those of you who wonder WHY the heck I was yelling about cheese, my short answer is: I live in Wisconsin, that's what we do. My long answer is: I had brought in yummy aged cheese to share with coworkers and was stoked about it. Yes, that is seriously the reason I was yelling about cheese at work. #professionallady


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