Friday's Fancies #54: Budget Bling

Clearly I love this Friday's Fancies, because I love jewelry. A lot. 
If you follow me on Instagram, you know this already:
(new to B&B? find me here!)

Well, because I'm not made of money I can't just buy designer jewelry all the time. Yes, I believe in investing in classic, staple pieces- but when it comes to over the top, trendy pieces, I don't see a purpose in paying a ridiculous amount! Here are a few of my favorite budget bling finds:

Find #1: Everyone recognizes the J.Crew Venus Flytrap necklace...but did you know you can get one from ASOS for 1/3 of the cost? Not bad, not bad at all.

Find #2: Big ol' sparkly dangly earrings are completely impractical...but totally awesome. Why spend $98 on Kate Spade Petal earrings when you can grab some from ASOS for $25 or $14?

Find #3: Okay. I get Brad Goreski is awesome, and right now the eyeglass jewelry is the way to make your arm/finger/neck his personal shrine...but how long will that last? Come on. $78 for hipster frames when you can grab them for $10? No brainer.

Find #4: Spikes are everywhere- but I can seriously not tell the difference between this CC Skye one at $185 and this ASOS one at $14.

Find #5: Bows. So you want to be ladylike? Good for you. While you're at it be smart like a lady and pay $14 for a bow bracelet instead of $128. Heck, with your $114 savings you can buy a whole handful of them to give to all of your friends.

WAIT: I still haven't convinced you? ASOS offers FREE SHIPPING. Yes, I do own things from Kate Spade and J.Crew...and it always tweaks my nerves when I pay a lot for something...and then still have to pay $10 more bucks for shipping! 

Which budget find to you like best?
I'm all about the first find- basic bling is always best!

xo, lp


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