Summer so far.

So...summer has hit Richmond.
It's hot (shocking, I know).

We're finally getting accustomed to summers in the South:

1. Michael and I had our first apartment cockroach run-in. I freaked. Michael crushed the hell out of it. #win.

2. We went to Comfort Saturday night in honor of my college friend Teresa being in town and only ordered sides. I'm not kidding. We felt so Southern. Fried green tomatoes, cheddar grits, okra, beans, snap peas, mac & cheese: it was your every day carbo load heaven. 

3. It's freaking hot here, and rather than hide from the sun yesterday we got out and enjoyed every sweaty sunbeating minute of Richmond. The crazy thing was people were doing a TRIATHALON in the heat down by the canal walk. I got heat stroke just watching them. 

I haven't done an Instagram round up in a while, so here are a few summer shots of late...
(find me! : @lpodlich)

Summer necessities:
1: rainbow icee pops
2: water pitchers at The Village Cafe
3: margaritas with the Beard

Summer sights:
4: fountains by the James river
5: ocean at Virginia Beach
6: double rainbow after RVA rain

Summer wears:
7: floral, teal, skinnies
8: bright dress, wedges, turquoise
9: [work] bright blue poplin, coral pops

What are your summer necessities/sights/wears?
See the rest of mine on Instagram: @lpodlich !



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