Yesterday was one of those days at work.
I don't feel the need to go into details, because I'm guessing pretty much everyone out there just knows what it means when you say "one of those days".

Back in January when I made my resolutions for the New Year, my number one focus was to complain less. Sometimes I feel like heavy sarcasm makes a quick slide to complainy, and no one likes a negative Nancy, right? Thus, when I had a bummer day yesterday- I really tried to not let it ruin my night. Other than the fact that Michael happens to have quite the talent for making me feel better (and letting me vent), what calmed me as I left was my drive home.

If you're not from the Midwest, or have never visited, you might underestimate its beauty. 
We are more than just flat land and a lot of snow, people!

My drive to work is a little over 40 minutes. The reason it's so beautiful is because I don't spend a second of it in stop & go traffic. I'm never bumper to bumper or surrounded by concrete. I drive through the Wisconsin countryside, through green hills and blue skies and yellow cornfields. Even the days when it's cloudy everything is just a richer, stronger hue. 

Driving down the winding road listening to music is ridiculously comforting, especially when this is what you see:

 (For the record, I didn't take these pictures WHILE driving. I'm not an idiot. I took them while Michael drove. Fact.)

So there you have it. Less than awesome day at work gets you a blog post on some Wisconsin Instagram pictures.

What do you love about the place you live?
Or, on the topic I started with: how do you handle a bad day at work?



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