How was your weekend, people?
My life is pretty great right now, because the Packers beat the Bears last week, and the Badgers won on Saturday (barely, but still). 
Here's what's up with me lately:

My sister Louisa and her boyfriend were in town this weekend, and we spent Saturday afternoon with our other sister Ann and my adorable niece Lyddie. Michael hid one of her toys, and the first thing she did was leap on his lap and grab his collar to look down his shirt. No shame, that girl. No shame. 

I grabbed this beauty from J.Crew yesterday.  I loves me some burgundy & lavender. Besides the fact that it's crazy soft, it's on sale AND J.Crew is doing free shipping. Holla. Get yours here.

This week in outfits (yesthatispolkadotchambraythankyouverymuch):

Let's have a quick conversation about this bag. Remember last week when I was talking about my favorite fall bags? Well throw that out the window. Here is THE perfect one. And it comes in three colors. Anyone else care to validate my feelings, here?

Tomorrow I'll be sharing this recipe (zucchini latkes with paprika cayenne topping):

Per usual, thanks for hanging out with me as I ramble. You all are positively lovely. 

Also: I feel like I haven't called it out in a while, but if you're on Instagram let me know what name you use!
(you can find me here. @lpodlich)

What did your weekend look like?
If it didn't include a cute niece looking down your boyfriend's shirt, it must've been a real bummer...




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