We have been having a heat wave here in Wisconsin. 
All I want is fall to come, and all the Midwest wants is more 90 degree days. 

Fine. Be that way. What do you do when you're cranky about it being hot out? You make margaritas, my friends. 
Now, before we go forward let me say this:
I'm not claiming this to be some ground-breaking, crazy new, insanely wild margarita recipe. It's just a basic, delicious, grapefruit margarita.So no sass about that, okay? Good.
What you'll need to make it happen:
3.5 ounces fresh ruby red grapefruit juice
1.5 ounces silver tequila
1 ounce triple sec
squeeze of fresh lime juice
splash of lemon-lime soda
lots o' ice
salt or sugar rim: optional
lime & grapefruit to garnish

How to make it happen:
Step 1: Um, mix it all together, duh.
 Michael and I enjoyed these the other night on our  tiny balcony. Of course, let's be real: we upgraded from the low-ball glasses to these:

Are you a margarita fan? Have a fancy recipe I should try?
Do share, friends!

xo, lp


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